Friday, July 10, 2020

BEGINNER FLAMENCO: Virtual Summer Intensive

A flier depicting the above information.

Join Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana for a five week Summer Intensive with Juana Calá!  Learn basic flamenco techniques, rhythms and style while building a choreography.  Each class will build upon the last, so attendance for the full course is required!

Juana Calá has been performing and teaching flamenco in the United States and Europe for more than 20 years. She performed as a soloist in the Maria Benitez Dance Company under the direction of Mario Maya, and then went on to form her own company, touring Europe for 16 years. Juana has worked closely with acclaimed Flamenco artists such as Antonio Canales, Javier Baron, El Junco, and Alfredo Lagos, to name a few.

Summer Intensive begins on July 13th.

5 Weeks Only! $140 for Five Classes. 
Mondays, 6:00 – 7:30 pm with Juana Calá via Zoom

Click Here to Register!

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