Gibney Dance Center: Space Grant Program Call for Proposals

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gibney Dance Center: Space Grant Program Call for Proposals

boo-koo-Round 3
Hosted by Gibney Dance Center

Gibney Dance is pleased to announce a call for proposals for boo-koo, an exciting new space grant and community “give back” initiative for emerging choreographers. boo-koo is slang for the French word beaucoup, and our new space grant program is based on the belief that everyone has something they need (e.g. space to create) as well as something to offer (e.g. time and talent).

Gibney Dance Center will supply artists with 40 hours of free space to develop new work. In exchange the participating artists will “give back” by designing and implementing a special project that will serve the dance or social services communities.

Learn more and apply at:

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