Fifty Years, Fifty Stories

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fifty Years, Fifty Stories

Dance/NYC is proud to support Fifty Years, Fifty Stories, the New York City Arts Coalition’s online video campaign celebrating the 50th anniversary of the New York State Council on the Arts. Read Stuart Elliott’s feature on the campaign in The New York Times and visit this page for the latest videos from NY dance leaders.

Mash-up Video—Highlights from Dance Artists and Dance Companies:

Campaign Videos:

Ellen Bar, Director of Media Projects and Former Soloist, New York City Ballet

Lar Lubovitch, Founder and Artistic Director, Lar Lubovitch Dance Company

Pascal Rioult, Artistic Director, RIOULT

Arthur Aviles and Charles Rice-Gonzalez, Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance [BAAD!]

Robert Battle, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Yanira Castro, a Canary Torsi

Ping Chong, Ping Chong & Company

Patricia Cruz, Harlem Stage

Garth Fagan, Garth Fagan Dance

Rachel Moore, American Ballet Theatre

David Parsons, Parsons Dance

Tina Ramirez, Ballet Hispanico

Carlota Santana, Flamenco Vivo

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