Thursday, June 28, 2012

FREE HOUSING! Need male RA to start this weekend!

Peridance Capezio Center in NYC seeks a male RA to supervise its Teen Summer Intensive students from July 1st-28th.

The duties of an RA include:

--Living in the dormitories with the students (ages 12-17)
--Being available and on call when the students are on dormitory premises(6pm-9am)
--Enforcing student curfew
--Maintaining order and supervising students in the dorms
--Accompanying students on the subway to and from the dormitory and Peridance Capezio Center
--Accompanying and supervising students to grocery stores, drug stores, etc near the dorm.
--Accompanying and supervising students on weekend extracurricular activities (beach trip, Broadway show, etc)

Compensation for RAs includes:

--Free housing at the dormitory for the month of July
--Unlimited dance classes at Peridance Capezio Centerfor the month of August
--Admission to select extracurricular activities, such as performances
--Recommendation letters at the conclusion of the Intensive

**No monetary compensation - free housing and dance classes only**

Interested applicants should

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