Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Xtend Barre Instructor

Xtend Barre Instructor

Barre Instructors Wanted!

Xtend Barre, a ballet barre based workout franchise with locations worldwide, is opening in Arlington, VA!

The Xtend Barre workout is the premier ballet barre workout, dance & Pilates amplified! Our system sculpts the body proportionally so that all body parts are equally challenged. This total body workout serves to strengthen, lengthen, and stretch the body from top to bottom, from inside out. The end result is a long and lean physique without added bulk. Developed from a Pilates/dance background, the Xtend Barre workout combines the amazing results of dance with the principles of strength and safety in Pilates.

XB Arlington is currently auditioning instructors, specifically those with a strong background in fitness, dance, or cheerleading. We are seeking someone with positive energy, a passion for teaching, and fitness. One-year experience teaching movement is preferred, but not required. Xtend Barre instructors are required to successfully complete our 5 day, 36-hour training course which will be a comprehensive training of Pilates mat foundations, Basic anatomy, a proven teaching formula, and the Xtend Barre repertoire with a master lesson plan.

Would you like to experience the rewarding feeling of helping grow Xtend Barre Arlington? Take your first step toward becoming a member of our premier teaching team please email us your resume and a headshot (always nice to put a face with the name) to

Meet you at the barre…

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