Monday, April 22, 2019

Point of Reference Zine: Seeking 20-something-aged dancers, recent college grads, folks new to NYC to chat with

Point of Reference zine

I'm creating a zine called Point of Reference. I'm looking to gain perspectives from people who consider themselves new to the dance field in NYC. I want to hear about your struggles, your successes, how you survive, and how you continue to pursue dance in this city. At this stage, I'm just compiling voices through casual interviews.


I came up with this idea because I notice a similar sentiment among younger dancers, particularly those just out of college. It's a feeling of floating, not knowing how to anchor yourself, and not knowing how to cultivate a community. Dealing with those feelings myself, I want this zine to serve as a "point of reference" - something to situate yourself against, a place share perspectives, perhaps challenge beliefs, and maybe relate to.


I'm interested in how I can collaborate visually on this project. If you do another type of art (photography, drawing, collage, etc.) and would like a platform to show your work on, let's talk about that, too.


We can chat over FaceTime, meet in person (this will include a coffee or whatever on me), or set up some other sort of communication that you're comfortable with.


Email me, Mia, at:

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