Thursday, May 25, 2023

Community Folk Culture Program Director - Summer 2023


Mind-Builders Creative Arts Center seeks a dynamic educator/experienced folklorist who is passionate and knowledgeable about the history and arts of people of African descent, to lead summer program training of twenty youth interns ages 14-21 to research, interview, document and develop engaging public presentations for family, community and school group audiences, as well as for archival preservation. This exciting part-time position continues prep now for the 5 weeks of student workshops, community fieldwork and presentation planning to be conducted from July 11th through August 20th primarily on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am - 3:30pm.

This Dr. Beverly J. Robinson Community Folk Culture Program began in 1988 and is conducted within Mind-Builders own bright and newly renovated building - centrally located near MetroNorth, subways, buses and highway in the Northeast Bronx.

Qualifications: Minimum required of two years successful experience teaching/leading Middle School or High School age groups and demonstrated skill with photo, video, research and interviewing such as for oral history documentation, or as museum educator, teaching artist, researcher, presenter etc. Bachelors or Masters degree and/or equivalent advanced training or experience is preferred.

Compensation: $75-$100 per hour for 21-28 hours per week depending upon experience and training/education.

Must be available to begin 15-28 hours of workshop planning, field research and identification or confirmation of tradition-bearers, artists and artisans as soon as possible. Both new and returning students begin summer session July 12th while director is scheduled for paid preliminary program planning for at least two to three weeks prior and for two weeks after for coordination, work sample selections and/or archiving.

To Apply or for more info: A cover letter and a resume is required including phone contact info. Following an initial phone contact, in-person interviews begin in June. Please forward cover letter and resume to Kathryn Frances at and to  

(Fall/Winter program continuation with smaller group also possible if Director is available 14-21 hours weekly beginning in September or October).

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