June 22 - July 31, 2020

Alexander Technique Online Summer Intensives

Ann Rodiger teaching anatomy to a group of students at the Balance Arts Center Balance Arts Center

Discover how to optimize your full potential, refine your artistry, and bring your whole self to the present moment with BAC’s online summer intensives based in the Alexander Technique. 

These weeklong intensives are designed for people who want to deepen their understanding and embodiment of the Alexander Technique. Through multidisciplinary group work and private sessions you will get a big-picture understanding of how the AT process can help you grow in every aspect of your life and art form.

Dance Faculty Includes: Eva Karczag, Emily Fulkner, Thomas Baird, Ann Rodiger, Sarah White-Ayon, Luc Vanier, Julie Frazier-Smith, and Alice MacDonald.

Daily schedule includes: AT Masterclass with Ann Rodiger, Breakout Class with Dance Faculty, and optional private sessions. 

All done online via zoom!

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