September, 16-19, 2019

Body Action with Francisco Cordova

A profile portrait of a Mexican man wearing a purple shirt in motion. The foreground contains other dancers. Francisco Cordova


16 - 19 September / 10:00 - 2:00 PM 

280 Gibney / Studio Y



Early Bird before Sept 1 $180

Full Intensive after Sept 1 $200

Drop in $55



Dancer, Choreographer, Pedagogue.

Masters in Theatre Stuides and Scenic Dirtection at Institut del Teatre.

Francisco Córdova, is director of the Physical Momentum company, director of ATLAS México Festival and director of the training program of Techniques of Movement (TDM) in Mexico and Barcelona. From 2006 he has been developing his methodology Body Action leading numerous workshops in companies, festivals and international arts centers in Europe, Asia and Latin America (DELTEBRE / SEAD / FONTYS / KIBBUTZ, etc.) He has earned various awards, residencies and artistic grants in Latin America, Asia and Europe and he is mentioned as one of the young precursors of new trends of the training of stage performance. Member of several companies and staging projects for 19 years, he has developed as performer, choreographer and teacher participating in meetings and festivals in more than 30 countries around the world.



Training workshop based in the construction of physical actions. It induces the participant to move from a common language not based on dance language codes. It decodifies and destructures predetermined languages of dance. The class is a representation of control and physical intuition that creates physical, mental and emotional states parting from physicality. It guides the student to find truth in his/her own body, and enter in contact with his/her own way of moving; to assume information regarding one’s intuition. The class is an experiential learning process.




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