August, 24-29, 2020

BodyStories Presents: Virtual Dance Experience Summer Intensive

BodyStories Presents The Virtual Dance Experience Summer Intensive: An intensive for pre-professional and professional dancers

The BodyStories Virtual Dance Experience Summer Intensive continues our mission to unleash creativity and empowerment in dancers, now in the virtual world! Pre-professional and professional dancers (age 17+) will be provided an opportunity to train in contemporary movement, further composition and improvisation skills, as well as investigate the relationship between dance and social justice.

This dance experience will be held from 12-5PM EST each day over Zoom. Every day will start with a group check-in, to see where we’re at emotionally, physically, and mentally for the day, followed by a yoga flow and dance warm-up. We will have a technique class to refresh our foundations in dance and challenge ourselves with new approaches to movement, and then break at noon for an hour long lunch. We come back for an improvisation and choreography class in the afternoon which is led by Teresa Fellion for movement and writing, Cecly Placenti will join us for some of our writing portions as well, and John Yannelli and Muriel Louveau will join us for musical collaborations. In these classes, we will also discuss the current social climate and reflect on work that needs to be done to reshape and move forward. Participants will journal thoughts and abstract ideas from what they’ve written as inspiration for movement. Together, we will discover the physical language for deeper emotions from these writings, and they will be partnered with music explorations. Each day ends with some breathing and stretching exercises and group reflection to cool down, digest the day, and look forward to the next one. 

For the daily technique classes students can sign up for the week or drop-in, and the choreography and improvisation classes will require attendance for the full week as we build towards our creation. Rates are $150 for the full week, or $15/drop in class. $75 for one class for a full week. Please do not hesitate to reach out for any financial assistance or scholarship needed. BodyStories is happy to accommodate all financial difficulties during this challenging time. The Zoom link for class will be sent out once registration is confirmed.

To register and for more information contact:

*We are also offering a Youth Virtual Dance Experience for ages 4+ from August 31st-September 4th! Find more info here.

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