June 25 - August 27, 2020

Dancer / Director

Neva Cockrell Darshana Photo Art


Somatic Repatterning

Thursdays 5-6pm on Zoom

Somatic practices encourage intentionally experiencing our physical bodies, our emotions, our minds, and how we relate to the world outside us. Through these practice we can study our patterning in each of these "layers" of ourselves and how the different layers overlap. This work can be incredibly useful for getting to know ourselves better, shifting our habitual patterns, and creating a healing path. It is also a powerful tool for understanding how and why we relate to others and the world around us, and how societal power structures impact our choices. Each class will offer different areas of exploration and different exercises. Though we will move mindfully in this class, it is more a container for self discovery than it is a "workout". All levels of experience, all bodies, all people are welcome! Please wear clothes you can move freely in and bring a journal and pen to each session.

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