May, 7-28, 2020

Klein Technique/ Stretch & Placement

Movement Research is excited to offer 

Klein Technique/Stretch & Placement online via Zoom

Thursdays 1:00pm - 2:15pm

Register and Learn more


About this class:

Klein Technique™ allows movers of all kinds and levels to achieve more fluidity and ease of movement. The depth to which an individual explores the work in class can be as simple as learning to stretch safely and releasing unnecessary tension. Class can also expand one's range of motion/movement, increase their technical facility, and help to learn from and heal an injury. The work deepens body awareness, and in turn expands creativity and expression. Class offers time—the time to work, to process, to simply learn to be.

Klein Technique™ works at the level of the bone, the simplest and deepest structure in the body to work with clarity, imagery, and energy. Working on this level allows us to drop in under the layers of muscle which holds us in set postural configurations. The work we do in class focuses on deep connections of support and movement: Freeing the legs and spine, connecting the pelvis to the legs, and connecting the upper body to the lower, and the skull to the feet. We work on grounded-ness by first standing the pelvis on top of the legs so we can be upright, aligned to the forces of gravity. Building on this principle, we explore the deep muscles of postural support—the hamstrings (sitz bones to the heels), the external rotators, the psoas and the tail to pubic bone/tail to heels. Throughout the class we interweave theory and physical practice where we welcome everyone learning at their own pace.

What you need for this class:

-Space to lie down and to walk around a little bit
-A comfortable surface to lie on
-Perhaps a book to sit on for a sitting stretch

Movement Research Zoom Etiquette:

Since many of us are new to taking class on Zoom, MR has compiled some etiquette guidelines to ensure that everyone’s time in class is full and respected.

1) We ask that you "mute" yourself at all times, unless Faculty has asked you to verbally participate.
2) If you’re dropping in to see how this class might suit you, please keep your video off. Send a message to just your instructor ("Chat" > "Chat with Host") so that they know that this is what you’re doing. It can be disorienting for both your instructor and fellow participants to see a video that is turned off, or one in which someone is inattentive.
3) Have a question or concern? Use the chat function to communicate with the class and/or teacher.


Thank you! We hope you enjoy class!

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