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December 1969

Music From The Sole and Sonia Olla & Ismael Fernández: Celebrating 10 Years of the CUNY Dance Initiative


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< December 1969-January 1970 >

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Wed 31st
Wed 31st

Risa Jaroslow & Dancers 25th Anniversary Season

Risa Jaroslow & Dancers
Risa Jaroslow presents her 25th anniversary season with a program that includes a world premiere, "The Middle of Where She Is," a dance for three women, and the revival of the critically acclaimed piece…


New York City Intensive

David Dorfman Dance
Join David Dorfman Dance this January 2012 as we teach, create, and dance together during our NYC Intensive. The Winter Intensive is open admission and will focus on Intermediate/Advanced level dancers,…

Thu 1st
Fri 2nd
Sat 3rd
Sun 4th
Music From The Sole and Sonia Olla & Ismael Fernández: Celebrating 10 Years of the CUNY Dance Initiative

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