Sunday, May 12, 2019

Machine Learning for Artists

Three pale pink figures in on a grey-blue background in different dance shapes. Still from Maya Man's "Be a Body"

This hands-on workshop demystifies machine learning and explores how machine learning tools have been and can be used for artistic expression. Participants will learn about the concept of machine learning, its history and critical issues, examples of art projects that use ML, and explore resources that allow them to continue experimenting with ML on their own. This is open to artists by any definition. No pre-requisites or prior knowledge is required.

If possible, participants should bring a computer (we will be interacting with and creating some online examples), but are still welcome to attend/observe without one.

This workshop is heavily inspired by Gene Kogan’s work on ml4a:

Lead by Maya Man

Maya Man is a Brooklyn based technologist. Currently, she works as a fiver at the Google Creative Lab, making experiments that combine her love for art and code. Maya graduated from Pomona College with a double major in Computer Science and Media Studies with a focus in digital production. She spends the majority of her time creating exploratory new media work, dancing in studios and public spaces, and maintaining her love/hate relationship with the internet (mostly love though).

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