May, 23-27, 2018

Show No Show

Hallie Martenson, courtesy of FringeArts Hallie Martenson, courtesy of FringeArts

Dancer/Choreographer Gabrielle Revlock and Russia-based Aleksandr Frolov present the New York City premiere of their acclaimed 2016 work, Show No Show , May 23-27, 2018 (7pm Wed-Sat, 3pm Sun) at The Flea , a staple of New York City's downtown performing arts scene located at 20 Thomas Street in Tribeca. Tickets cost $20 and are available by phone at 212-226-0051 or online at

Described by Frolov as “a truth or dare using a peach, a megaphone, two chairs, and a tablecloth,” Show No Show charts the process of two people getting to know each other for the first time. Unpredictable and entrancing, they use each other and the space to mine the complexities of opening oneself up to another, laying bare the hilarious, maddening, and heartbreaking feelings that come with it.

Revlock and Frolov met during a three-week residency at Omi International Arts Center in August of 2014 where they began developing this work. With additional residency support from Culture Mill and American Dance Festival it premiered in 2016 at FringeArts in Philadelphia, PA to sold out audiences and positive press. “Watching Show No Show at FringeArts is a pleasure,” wrote the Philadelphia Inquirer. ThinkingDance noted, “This final scene is all the more haunting because we want to see these two dancers on stage together.” A follow up performance occurred in April 2016 at Omi International Arts Center, as part of the center’s 25th anniversary celebration. In Russia
the work was presented at Na Grani Festival of Contemporary Dance and Small Format Contemporary Dance Festival.

The title, Show No Show , came from Frolov and as Revlock puts it, “gets at the question ‘are we performing or are we not performing? If we are performing is it for the audience or for each other?” It also points to the disparate perspectives the two performers have within the piece, Revlock possessing a more outward focus, even checking in with the audience at points, and Frolov displaying little awareness of his performer status. As Revlock describes it, the audience will be flies on the wall, in close proximity but non-intrusive.

Revlock is a 2018-19 Anchor Partner with The Flea. Anchor Partners are a select group of seven emerging companies who receive subsidized rental rates, consistent access to one or more of The Flea’s spaces, plus tech, marketing, and producing support.

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