October 27 - November 17, 2021

Slow Intermediate Modern - Virtual

Headshot of Chris Heller Shia Levitt


Chris Heller uses a modern dance vocabulary set to a wide variety of contemporary and classic music. With an emphasis on musicality and rhythm, Chris’s choreography challenges the beginner student to connect coordination, rhythm, and dance technique as they increase their strength and flexibility. This class allows students of all ages, body types, and experience levels to learn in an open and supportive atmosphere and is based in the Simonson Technique.

Suggested donation -- students are asked to pay $10 per class if they are able, but are encouraged to take class for free if their financial situation doesn't allow them to pay at this time.

Venmo: @Chris-Heller-9




Class link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83015341867?pwd=WDlFRnp2NTI2YWtSalV3TlFKWWVNUT09 Meeting ID: 830 1534 1867 Passcode: 335611

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