Thursday, April 18, 2019

TERP demo!

Image of people wearing TERP units in action

Come to our downtown loft and test out brand-new action commands with our custom-built system for broadcasting choreographic movement. No movement experience required!

7pm-8pm, FREE

Stick around after for socializing and snacks!


A little history of the development of the TERP technology 

Over the past 10 years, choreographer/director Patrice M Regnier has created a multi-channeled, synchronized broadcast system for human movement where each person could hear their own sequence through their headset. She is developing a dictionary of 5,000 suggestive and exacting instructions, which anyone off the street can perform, refining the kinds of words and word groups people of various ages respond to best.

People without movement training, with no idea what they will be doing, arrive, don a custom-built TERP unit and headset. Following individualized movement instructions, they find themselves interacting without thinking—just doing. The personalized voice in your ear adds an intimate quality to the system, helping to spark imagination. 

The TERP experience bridges the gap between ages, classes and groups all while creating a new language of human movement shared by all.

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