ALERT! City Council Budget Hearing on Cultural Affairs Tomorrow

Thursday, March 15, 2018

ALERT! City Council Budget Hearing on Cultural Affairs Tomorrow


The City Council preliminary budget hearing on libraries and culture takes place tomorrow, Friday March 16,  Libraries at 10, the Department of Cultural Affairs at 11:30 and public testimony at 1. A full schedule of hearings is attached which includes all info re where, when, and how to register to speak.

There will be several representatives from New Yorkers for Culture and Arts testifying tomorrow, and hopefully representatives of many more cultural organizations from across the city. Please make every effort to attend whether or not you testify. A robust turnout is essential as we advocate for more funds for culture and art in the city's budget.

The city has committed to a Cultural Plan---they must now commit to funding it by supporting the work of the many hundreds of cultural organizations working across New York.

Thanks for all you do for culture and art in NYC.

-New Yorkers for Culture and Arts

FY2019 Preliminary Budget Hearing Schedule and Letter

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