Advocacy Alert: NYC Council Budget Hearing for Committee of Cultural Affairs on May 21

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Advocacy Alert: NYC Council Budget Hearing for Committee of Cultural Affairs on May 21


Red background. White megaphone. White text reads 'Advocacy Alert'.


Testify on May 21 at the NYC Council's Executive Budget Hearing with the Cultural Affairs Committee

Fund Arts & Culture for FY25


On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. ET, arts and cultural workers and advocates will testify at the New York City Council’s Committee on Finance joint public hearing with the Cultural Affairs Committee to finalize the city budget for FY2025, which takes effect on July 1. Now is our opportunity to ensure that budget decisions made by the city government reflect our needs as dance workers, and take into account the dance sector as a whole.

What this means:

There are currently hearings on the Mayor's executive budget proposal before the City Council. The proposed $112 billion FY25 total city budget would partially reverse some cuts, but would reduce funding for parks, food emergency programs, and libraries. Additionally, while the $22 million restoration of funding over the next three years to the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) is a win for the sector, it is only a partial restoration of the January cuts to culture as smaller organizations have not received any reversal of FY24 cuts.

What you can do:

Testify at City Hall or virtually via Zoom or phone by registering at least 24 hours in advance, or as early as possible.

Or submit written testimony by 5:00 p.m. on May 24, up to 72 hours after the hearing, via the Council’s website or by emailing them to

Additionally you can:

• Join us on May 21 at 10:30AM at a rally for Culture and the Arts at City Hall, co-organized by New Yorkers for Culture and Arts and the Cultural Institutions Group to further show your support and represent the diversity of our sector.
• Join Dance/NYC, with the Cultural Equity Coalition in signing this letter demanding full restoration to DCLA’s budget for CDF grantees in FY24, and a full restoration of all FY25 cuts totaling $53 million.

Let lawmakers know that dance—along with the wider arts and culture sector—are integral to not only New York City’s economy but the well-being and vibrancy of our city as a whole.


Here are some resources to help you get started:

• How to Testify or Submit a Written Testimony
• Advocacy Tools and Resources on the DWR Hub

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